Historical and forecast indicators are converted on the GPRV radar chart into scores from 0 to 10, based on rankings relative to a universe of companies from the same industry sector. A low score (close to the center of the char) is a sign of underperformance, while a high score (near the edge of the chart) is a sign of outperformance.
On the chart, the GPRV analysis for the selected company is displayed in green. Its shape gives you a visual interpretation of the company strengths and weaknesses vs the companies in the reference universe. In a nutshell: the bigger the green area the better from the investor point of view.
By default, another line chart is shown in blue. It corresponds to the GPRV Analysis for the predefined set of comparable international companies, or for any other selected list. A third chart, displayed in red, is shown if a second company has been selected. The differences between the charts give further information on the company strengths and weaknesses vs the selected list and/or the second company.
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